Alaskan Anti Bear Shutters
9. March 2018
Residential Installation
Patio Shutters
The Challenge
The client who built this country estate wanted a very large patio with an outdoor kitchen facing the pool area which could also be converted from an open patio to a closed patio as desired.
Solution Overview
The client chose Rollac's DuraComfort A150-R shutters to protect their home. Being a handyman, the client did a self install with no issues. They chose to use manually operated rolling shutters since they would only operate them on specific occasions.
The Results
The homeowner is very pleased. When the shutters are open, the patio, pool, and outdoor kitchen function as a single open space. When closed, there is a high level of security which was desirable as the homeowners are away for long periods of time. They also wanted to be able to use the patio when the weather was less than perfect with the fireplace roaring to entertain large groups for sporting events day or night.
Residential Security Shutters - ROLLAC SHUTTERS