Union Station – St. Louis
9. March 2018
B & C Hair Supply
9. March 2018
Commercial Installation
Concession Stand
The Challenge
The design criteria for the pavilion required accessibility from multiple sides during open periods to serve the maximum number of patrons in a quick and safe manner. Additionally, there would be a large percentage of the time when the pavilion would not be open. A high degree of security was desired. during both open and closed times. The security method should be attractive when employed and minimally seen when the pavilion was open for business.
Solution Overview
The architect decided that rolling shutters could meet the design criteria if mounted on the inside of the pavilion. During open times for the pavilion the shutters would be rolled up via motor control and invisible from the outside of the pavilion. Since different activities required different levels of support from the pavilion, windows could be opened and closed as needed limiting access.
Featured Products
Commercial Security Shutters - ROLLAC SHUTTERS