The Value of a Vertical Drop Awning Screen
Sleek, modern, compact and efficient, no we’re not describing the newest Smart phone to hit the market. We’re talking about a vertical drop awning screen. This isn’t the cumbersome orange-checked permanent window coverings that your grandparents used to have on the outside of their home. Instead, this is an awning screen that is flexible. It rolls up or down with the touch of button and can be as inconspicuous as you want. Are you curious to know more? Read on.
How do vertical drop awnings work?
Most vertical drop awnings are moved into position using a remote control. A press of the button can raise of lower the vertical drop awning screen to your desired height. Alternatively, this type of screen can be operated using a crank handle which hooks itself onto the covering. A few rotations of the device will drop it down or pull it up just like the automated version. When fully closed, both types of vertical drop awning screens are stored in a cassette or housing that is located at the top of the covering.
What are the advantages of vertical drop awning screens?
The expression “out of sight out of mind” is a good way to describe the leading advantage of a vertical drop awning screen. Unlike more traditional permanent or fixed window coverings, once retracted this type of awning screen remains out of sight. As mentioned above, they’re stored in their own housing. That way the view for example of your backyard, the mountains, or the golf course remains unobstructed. However, whether you lower it manually or automatically, once it is in place this awning screen provides unparalleled shade and protection from the rain. Additionally it can be used as a barrier from bugs and for privacy. Not to mention it is subtle looking and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
Are vertical drop awning screens easy to maintain?
Considering that the awning screen is stored in a cassette when not in use there is little maintenance required. It is recommended to clean the awning screen at least once if not two times during the season. Using a cloth with a mild detergent gently wipe off any dead bugs, dust or other debris you might find. Avoid using a garden hose or a pressurized tool to clean the awning screen. This can damage the material or tear the awning from its cassette.
How much does a vertical drop awning screen cost?
The most basic type of awning screen for sale at a big-box store starts at $100. But the cost can increase dramatically depending on the size of the area you want to cover and whether you choose a manual or automatic one. Other upgrades to an awning screen might include wanting it to be a certain color. These types of options will increase your vertical covering costs upwards of $500.
A sound investment
Customers often describe a vertical drop awning screen as sleek, inconspicuous and efficient. They are a window covering that can provide you with some much needed shade and bug protection while maintaining the aesthetic value of your view. It’s time to cast the idea of an awning as what your grandparents had on their homes, aside. Step into the 21st century and invest in an awning screen.