How to Reduce the Heat In Your Home with Screens

Exterior View of House Patio with Solar Screens Installed at the Windows


Since your home is such a big investment, you want to do everything possible to protect it as well as the belongings you have in room after room. While it’s always great to have a sunny day outside, those rays of sunshine beaming through your home’s windows may actually be doing more harm than good. Along with potentially fading the finish off your floor and furniture, they are also making your home excessively warm. By choosing to install Rollac heat reducing screens, the question of whether screens reduce heat will quickly get answered by you and your family.


Do Screens Really Help Reduce Heat?

Since our window screens undergo extensive testing during and after the manufacturing process, we can say without any doubt that our Rollac zip screens do in fact greatly reduce the heat inside homes. In fact, once you’ve got our ZipShades installed on your home’s windows, they will be able to lower the temperature inside your home’s rooms, which will allow you to turn off the A/C and enjoy your home’s interior much more than in years past.

How Do Rollac Solar Shades Reduce Heat?

Using our state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and technology, Rollac solar shades for windows help to reduce the heat in your home in a variety of ways.

Solar Protection

First, the specialized screening used on our solar shades provides your home’s interior with maximum solar protection on the hottest of days. Once they are installed on the exterior of your home, you’ll be astonished to discover that our solar shades will be able to block out as much as 90 percent of the sun’s heat before it ever reaches your windows. Needless to say, this will keep your home much cooler.

Light Control

Next, our retractable screens also let you have the luxury of adjusting the amount of light that enters various rooms inside your home. Whether you are someone who works the overnight shift and doesn’t want sunlight interfering with your daytime sleep or perhaps you want to make sure sunlight does not damage your electronics or antiques, you can raise or lower the screens to get as much light control as is needed for any part of your home. 

Other Benefits of Solar Shades

Now that you know about some of the major reasons why you should install Rollac exterior solar shades at your home’s windows, here are some other benefits you’ll reap as well.

Keeping the Bugs Away

On a beautiful sunny day, flies and other bugs love to gather at windows and try to enter your home. Once you’ve got our solar shades for windows on your home’s exterior, bugs will be kept out for good.

Reducing Your Energy Bill 

Since everything costs so much today, reducing your energy bill is always a top priority. Depending on the temperature you prefer to have inside your home and how much you choose to use your Rollac solar shades, you may see energy savings of as much as 30 percent by reducing the amount of sunlight that enters your home.

Give Your Air Conditioner a Break

If you run your air conditioner practically nonstop during the summer months, it not only increases your energy bill, but also guarantees your A/C unit will have a much shorter lifespan, meaning you’ll be spending hundreds of dollars on a new air conditioner before you know it. Instead of buying a new air conditioner every few years, invest in our Rollac solar shades and reduce the heat in your home. Over time, you’ll save more money than you ever imagined.

Prolong the Life of Your Furniture and Electronics

Over time, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun will damage your home’s furniture and electronics. If electronics become overheated, vital parts can be damaged. As for your furniture, the sun’s rays will fade colors and finishes, ruining what were once beautiful pieces of furniture. By being able to control the sunlight that enters various rooms, your electronics and furniture can be saved.

More Privacy

Instead of always wondering if nosy neighbors are viewing what’s going on inside the privacy of your home, install our retractable screens and ensure you and your family have all the privacy you want and need.


Finally, our Rollac heat reducing screens are comparably priced and very affordable for practically any budget. Whether you want motorized screens or ones operated manually, we can work with you and your budget to get screens you’ll love.  

About Rollac Solar Shades

Fitted with our innovative zip system that keeps them looking and performing great for years, our Rollac solar shades are arguably the best in the industry. Made to the highest standards, our shades can withstand winds in excess of 80 miles per hour and also feature state-of-the-art collision technology, meaning that if a child, pet, or something else is in its path as it’s being lowered, it will automatically stop and retract, preventing damage as well as injuries.

Learn More Today

If you’re ready to learn more about Rollac ZipShades and how they can reduce the heat in your home, contact us today here at Rollac. Once you speak with our screen experts, you’ll find out just how much our solar screens can benefit your home.