Front Door Awning: All You Need to Know

Close Up of a Red Front Door Awning

The front door of your home or business is much more than just an entrance to your property. Actually, it serves as the first impression people will often get of your home or business. Because of this, you should consider doing all you can to make your front doorway as aesthetically pleasing and inviting as possible. Here at Rollac, we think one of the best ways to do this is by having an attractive front door awning. 

If you agree but are in need of some front door awning ideas for this project, our team is here with some great options for you to consider.


Can I Put an Awning Over My Front Door?

If you’ve thought awnings were only for patios, windows, or other areas of your home or business, you’ll be glad to know that retractable awnings are the perfect addition to your front door. One of the best things our customers like about our modern front door awnings is their ability to work well with all types of architectural styles. Whether you have a newer home or one that may be closing in on 100 years old, an awning for your front door will provide instant curb appeal while also offering you and your family, guests, or customers protection from the elements.

What’s the Difference Between a Door Awning and Front Door Canopy?

When we speak to customers, we often find they think awnings and canopies are one and the same. However, while they may look similar, they are different in many ways. 

For starters, canopies will usually not be retractable, and can often be damaged by wind gusts. Yet if you have a Rollac motorized awning installed over your front door, it will be made well enough to withstand wind gusts that may come along now and then. Should those gusts get strong enough to cause concern, you can simply push a button or even use an app on your smartphone to easily retract your awning so that it will not run the risk of being damaged.  

Perhaps the most important difference between awnings and canopies is how they are constructed. Canopies are generally freestanding structures featuring posts that support their roof, while awnings are directly attached to a building. This usually means an awning will experience fewer maintenance issues such as torn awning fabric or structural issues such as damage to various support structures.

What Are the Benefits of Door Awnings?

As you learn more about our Rollac awnings, you’ll come to see that having one installed over your front door will offer a variety of excellent benefits.

One of the most appealing to homeowners and business owners is that a waterproof retractable awning will keep your front door and the porch much drier and cleaner. Thus, when it is raining, you won’t have to worry about your front door staying wet and getting dirty.

A front door awning will also provide your home or business with an added level of architectural style, especially if your front door is flush against the building. When you couple this with the fact that we can offer front door awnings that can be customized in almost any way possible, it’s easy to see why our Rollac retractable awnings continue to grow in popularity year after year.

How Much Does a Front Door Awning Cost?

While it often costs thousands of dollars to construct an awning over a large deck or patio, you’ll be glad to discover that having a front door awning installed will usually cost only several hundred dollars. In fact, the cost of a retractable awning is usually one of the most affordable home improvement projects done each year.  

Is Planning Permission Required for a Front Door Awning?

In most instances when a front door awning is installed, receiving planning permission from your locality will not be required. However, since we know laws can vary, we always recommend you check with your local authorities beforehand. Depending on the awning size and whether or not it may extend onto a neighboring property, these factors can play a role in whether or not you’ll need permission for your building project.

Factors to Consider

Now that you’re just about sold on the idea of installing a front door awning at your home or business, there are certain factors you should consider before moving forward with your project.

First will likely be the cost. If your budget is limited, you may want to go with a manual drop-arm awning that will need to open and close manually rather than electronically. If you want more convenience and have a larger budget, we suggest you look into purchasing a motorized awning for your front door.

Next will be the look you want to have for your awning: full cassette, half cassette awnings or non-cassette awnings. Which one you select will depend on whether you want your awning completely concealed, partially concealed, or not concealed at all when it is retracted. 

Finally, also consider the awning size, how much customization you may want, and if you want a front door awning that will need as little maintenance as possible. Like anything else in life, you usually get what you pay for, and this definitely pertains to awnings. Since our awnings are well-known for their high-quality, durability, and ability to look great year after year with simple cleanings using dishwashing soap, warm water, and soft-bristled brushes, you won’t go wrong when you select Rollac awnings for the front door of your home or business.

Explore Rollac’s Awning Solutions for Your Front Door

If you’ve been thinking about adding a front door awning and possibly a valance to the awning as well, there’s no better time than now to contact us here at Rollac. Rather than experience problems by purchasing lesser-quality awnings for your front door, trust our team here at Rollac. By doing so, you’ll soon have a front door awning that adds curb appeal and will look great for years to come.